August 2024 Missionary Prayer Letter

Bro. Joe Davis • Preach Evangelistic Ministries

A Christian learns over time that he becomes more powerful for God as he becomes more personal with God. As his children, we find ourselves cradled in God’s hands. Therefore, Prayer should be nestling before it becomes wrestling. I’ve often thought that when I am strong in faith is the time to pray; however, whether weak or strong, we can pray and God will listen and answer especially since He knows what we need before we ask.

I often close my letters by saying, “Brethren, pray for us.” This four-word phrase is found in the closing chapters of Thessalonians. Once in 1 Thess. 5, and once in 2 Thess. 3. Please read the latter for the Apostle is specifically asking this good church to intercede for him. Prayer often reaches up to God for the present need one is facing. When Peter took his eyes off Jesus and began to sink, he did not need an altar on which to bow. He needed Jesus to help! Jesus was the only one who could help particularly since he was “walking” on the water, and Jesus was the “nearest one” to help. In his second letter to the Thessalonians, Paul was not in fear of drowning. Yet, his struggle was with unreasonable and wicked men. His resource for help was through his brethren who would intercede for the opposition facing him.

One common mistake in prayer is our failure to be as specific as possible. Focus your prayer. Laser focus when possible. Pray on target. Engage the enemy in Jesus’ name. Define your desire. My prayer request today for Joyce and me along with the whole Preach Team at home and abroad, with those on deputation, and those beginning the Mentoring Men for Mission process is the same as the Apostle Paul. Paul requested prayer that:

  1. The word of the Lord may have free course and be glorified.
  2. That we may be delivered from unreasonable and wicked men: for all have not faith.

The great need of our day is the preached word of God. The only way to counteract Satan’s lies is expounding the truth of God’s Word. Paul’s yearning as ours is to lift up and glorify the written and the living Word. The declaration of God’s word needs free course, no hindrance, to every believer and non-believer. This is empowered and pushed forward by your intercessory prayer.

Wherever we take the Gospel, Satan will raise up unreasonable, perverse and evil men to oppose us. These unbelievers oppose God. They oppose the Word of God. They would hinder the Gospel and even those who would give out the Word of God! We cannot always trust men, but we can trust the faithfulness God. “He is faithful.”

Oh! My Dear Friends and Prayer Partners. How we need you to stand in the gap of faithful prayer. Pray for our health and God’s presence about us daily.

Pray for open doors to preach in every place. Our schedule is filling for the conclusion of the year but there are openings. Pray for favor among men when we will be out of the country next year.

Pray for the faithful church planters of Cape Verde along with the Joshua Kidd family leading them there.

Pray for our director, Phillip Pritchard, his family, and the responsibilities and busy schedule he willingly shoulders and God’s vision for days ahead.

Pray for Dr. Paul and Terri Pritchard, their health and seasoned wisdom they joyfully dispense in meetings and with the Preach Team members.

Pray for the Zachary White and Kevin Pardo families on deputation, their provision and their support. Pray for their protection. Pray for Ruth Pardo finishing her nursing degree.

Pray for Dr. Richard and Janet Warren who wisely and energetically oversee Tons of Truth.

Pray for Allison and other warehouse staff who bear much of the physical burden to keep things running in the office and warehouse. Pray for their peace and encouragement.

Pray for the new families in transit and moving to Seymour, Missouri to begin their training schedule next month. Pray for their provision, their new jobs and their ability to adjust to new surroundings and team members.

Pray for the many men who will teach these families in the coming year along with peaceful yearning hearts in each one as they prepare for further service.

Pray for the many construction workers who donate their time and vacation time to help on so many projects.

Pray for the Peace of Jerusalem and our brethren in Ukraine.

I think that about covers most of the things on my heart accept to say, “Brethren, pray for us.” The Lord is at hand.

God Bless, Joe Davis

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