Bro. Sisson Visit
Faith Promise Baptist Church 1008 Brookhaven Rd, Franklin, KY, United StatesMissionary Bro. Melvin Sisson will be preaching our 11:00 A.M. Sunday morning service.
Missionary Bro. Melvin Sisson will be preaching our 11:00 A.M. Sunday morning service.
The young adults will have a youth activity Saturday, October 21st . Any young adult that would like to participate should reach out to Pastor or Ms. Cathy.
We will be holding a Cupcake and Winter Coat giveaway to help our community in the upcoming cold days. If you or your family need a coat this winter, we welcome you to stop by and get your free coat or sweater and a cupcake! Brother Gene Dame will be speaking about the coat giveaway …
We will be giving candy away to our youth at the church.
Set your clocks back an hour! Daylight Savings Time ends on November 4th.
Faith Baptist Church will be hosting a Marriage Seminar on November 10th and 11th. All married couples are invited to attend. Brother Gene, as well as other speakers, will be speaking during the seminar. A headcount for the seminar is needed, so please speak with Bro. Gene, if you would like to attend.
Faith Baptist Church will be hosting a Marriage Seminar on November 10th and 11th. All married couples are invited to attend. Brother Gene, as well as other speakers, will be speaking during the seminar. A headcount for the seminar is needed, so please speak with Bro. Gene, if you would like to attend.
Due to the Thanksgiving Holiday, we will have our Midweek service on TUESDAY, 11/21, instead of Wednesday. The service will be at regular time.
The church ladies will be decorating the church for Christmas.! If you would like to help decorate, plan to meet at the church on Friday, November 24th, at 10 a.m.